Colombia aims to be global export head in medicinal pot in 2018

Colombia could source 44% of the global demand for therapeutic marijuana in 2018 following the plank of directors of the country’s Medicine Control Fund certified the harvest of 40,5 a great deal of this place for export-only proposes.

Within an interview with Caracol – a respected Colombian radio network – the director of the Fondo Nacional de Estupefacientes, Andr?s L?pez, said that Canada could end up being the first beneficiary of Colombian-grown therapeutic marijuana, accompanied by Argentina, Mexico, Peru and Paraguay. Despite the fact that the director of the medication organization said that the quantity of exports destined to each specific land has yet to be established, the demand for Colombian cannabis has recently fascinated trans-national pharmaceutical companies, including PharmaCielo Colombia Holdings, a subsidiary of the Canadian therapeutic marijuana company PharmaCielo Ltd. In Dec, the Colombian subsidiary released that it offers begun the procedure of planting both psychoactive and non-psychoactive therapeutic cannabis strains at a nursery centre in Rionegro, Antioquia.

“As the sole grower to get the required quota acceptance from the Colombian federal government, we are incredibly excited to learn that people will have our initial planting completed by Dec 31,” said Federico Cock-Correa, CEO of PharmaCielo Colombia. “We say thanks to the government because of their reputation of PharmaCielo’s readiness for the immediate planting of a multitude of exclusive and historically important Colombian cannabis strains, which were utilized for religious and wellbeing purposes by Colombia’s indigenous areas for many years and occasionally centuries.”

PharmaCielo’s nursery includes a location of 27.7 hectares with 12.1 hectares focused on open-air greenhouses. “We visit a steady upsurge in interest from leading individuals in today’s quickly producing global cannabis market place, wanting to develop proper partnerships with PharmaCielo to gain access to high quantities of top quality medicinal-grade cannabis essential oil components and related products,” added Dr. Patricio Stocker, Leader and CEO of PharmaCielo Ltd.

FCM Global, another pioneer in the utilization of cannabinoids for therapeutic purposes, announced previous month the starting of a study and development lab in La Ceja, Antioquia. FCM Global is a Colombian medical cannabis company headquartered in Medellin and with a circulation office in Toronto, Canada. FCM Global’s new cannabis lab will offer you companies usage of cost-effective specialized medical research on the benefits associated with the medicinal vegetable. “We believe that cannabinoids will be the medical technology market into the future,” said Carlos Velasquez, CEO and co-founder of FCM. “By stretching our service opportunity to add world-class research and development, we desire to add further value to get our client-partners, whose product improvements have the potential to boost an incredible number of lives.”

After Colombia, america is the united states with the major allocation of therapeutic marijuana for both inner and exterior use. The U.S presently has 33,4 loads approved, accompanied by Israel (10 lots) and Australia (2,5 lots).

The director of the Country wide Drug Account also confirmed that we now have more than 20 companies in Colombia that presently maintain licenses to place marijuana and harvest both psychoactive and non-psychoactive vegetation. Among the others are Khiron Life Sciences Corp., Canmecol S.A.S., and Medcann S.A.S.

Canada is among the many countries that has most shown fascination with the introduction of Colombia’s cannabis industry because of the high costs involved with planting marijuana in its country. “We’ve proposed a significant business model, predicated on scientific data and centered on health insurance and patients,” said L?pez. “This model also identifies international narcotics treaties.”

Source:- The City Paper

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